Auto-create websites

Create thousands of sites either from a data source or with crawled data

How it works

Tidy can generate custom websites based on data from an external source. This source can be a database, a CRM with and API, PIM (Product Information Management System), an Excel spreadsheet or a CSV file, anything that contains structured data.

Based on the data Tidy can generate highly customised websites with different:

  • templates
  • modules and widgets
  • pages
  • content
  • users

all of them auto-generated based on the data.

Using a crawler to get the data

If you don’t have the data yet, you can use Tidy’s crawler to get it. You could for example tell Tidy to automatically create websites for all restaurants in your local area based on data fetched from Google Maps. The result would be a unique website for every restaurant, populated with contact info, images, reviews…any data Google Maps has to offer.

The ultimate use case would be to completely automatically create new websites based on existing websites. Tidy would just fetch the content from the existing sites and put them in a new template. This too is possible if the existing sites have the layout same structure = uses the same template. We could for example automatically create new websites based on the over a million websites that users the WordPress template Twenty Sixteen.

Use cases

Make first, call later

Automatically generate websites for your prospects in advance, then call them and close the deal.

Generate a lot of websites for one client

Suppose a retail customer wants individual websites for all their 200 stores. Give Tidy the data on the stores and generate all the sites in a few minutes.

Generate a lot of different landing pages for SEO

Same use case as the example above, but instead you generate micro sites with slight variations of keywords.

Only available for select partners

The auto-generation features are not publicly available, but only offered to select partners. Contact us to become one, for example with the form below.

Tidy's key features & benefits

1. Speed up or fully automate website production

2. Increase your sales

3. Replace current platform

Create websites fast

Spend 30 minutes/website without compromising on quality.

More on fast production
Semi-automatic creation

Move content from an existing site to a new template with a few clicks

More on semi-automatic
Auto-create websites

Auto-create websites using a content source, like a CRM

More on auto-creation
Increase agency sales

Auto-creation enables a new, more efficient sales model

More on increasing sales
Import 1000s of sites

Auto-creation enables a new, more efficient sales model

More on site migration

Please, contact us for more information

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