Asian business directory giant PanPages uses Tidy for fast website production



The largest business database provider in Southeast Asia

With 250 employees and a database of 9 million businesses, PanPages is the largest business database provider in the Southeast Asia region. PanPages has offices in Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam and specialises in providing business data and marketing services for small and medium enterprises.

Speed, usability and flexibility

PanPages' digital marketing solutions consist of online directories, business websites and online ads. To meet the current market needs of their website customers PanPages looked for a platform providing production speed, ease of use and flexibility. After evaluating several platforms, PanPages settled for Tidy.

White labelling, blocks, one-click styles and shared resources

PanPages uses Tidy’s white labelled version and the platform was rebranded with PanPage’s brand. Tidy also provided PanPages with new templates using Tidy’s unique concept of shared blocks. Instead of creating 50 templates, PanPages use content blocks that can be combined freely for each website. If you use 8 blocks/website and have a pool of 20 blocks, you can create 126 000 different combinations.

Additionally, with Tidy’s one-click style system PanPages can change the colours, fonts and other style attributes of the entire website with just a few clicks, ensuring that each website looks unique.  

All blocks including modules and widgets are part of the shared resources system, meaning that all sites share the same template and JavaScript files. If you want to make changes to several or all sites at the same time, you just need to update one file and the changes are immediately reflected on all sites. 

Breathing new life into PanPages' websites

The feedback from the production team has been very positive. The team has especially liked the flexibility Tidy provides. 

Tidy uses Slack to communicate with its partners and this was product manager Edward Poh's reaction after seeing the block system in action: “Oh wow! This is great! Also, upon various testing, we feel that companies with offerings such as events or services that require them to showcase their branches/stockists /benefits/portfolios are very suited to Tidy's platform with your customizable pages. Most website builders are too rigid for these pages. With your good news I think Tidy will breathe new life into our product based websites!”

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Tidy's key features & benefits

1. Speed up or fully automate website production

2. Increase your sales

3. Replace current platform

Create websites fast

Spend 30 minutes/website without compromising on quality.

More on fast production
Semi-automatic creation

Move content from an existing site to a new template with a few clicks

More on semi-automatic
Auto-create websites

Auto-create websites using a content source, like a CRM

More on auto-creation
Increase agency sales

Auto-creation enables a new, more efficient sales model

More on increasing sales
Import 1000s of sites

Auto-creation enables a new, more efficient sales model

More on site migration

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