
I don't see my site in the Internet after I've published it to my hosting.

Okay, you created website with Tidy and published it, but your site doesn't appear at http://yoursite.com? Time to configure DNS settings. You need to open your hosting provider contol panel and search for DNS section for your domain. DNS should be enabled. If your purchased your domain not throw the hosting company, you need to open your domain registrator's control panel and check that the domain is delegated: NS records shold point to your hosting provider NS servers. In case of uncertainity contact your hosting and/or domain registrator support.

I've bought hosting with Tidy for my site and I don't see my site in the Internet.

DNS settings are needed. Please visit Settings -> Tidy Hosting pane and follow the instructions in the DNS chapter.


For detailed information, check our docs page: https://tidycms.com/docs/

Tidy, create my website!